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How to write a shell script  

Posted by Tika
January 24,


A shell is a command line interpretor. It takes commands and executes them. As such, it implements a programming language. The Bourne shell is used to create shell scripts -- ie. programs that are interpreted/executed by the shell. You can write shell scripts with the C-shell; however, this is not covered here.

Creating a Script

Suppose you often type the command
    find . -name file -print
and you'd rather type a simple command, say
    sfind file
Create a shell script
    % cd ~/bin
% emacs sfind
% page sfind
find . -name $1 -print
% chmod a+x sfind
% rehash
% cd /usr/local/bin
% sfind tcsh


This quick example is far from adequate but some observations:
  1. Shell scripts are simple text files created with an editor.
  2. Shell scripts are marked as executeable
        %chmod a+x sfind
  3. Should be located in your search path and ~/bin should be in your search path.
  4. You likely need to rehash if you're a Csh (tcsh) user (but not again when you login).
  5. Arguments are passed from the command line and referenced. For example, as $1.


All Bourne Shell scripts should begin with the sequence
From the man page for exec(2):

"On the first line of an interpreter script, following the "#!", is the name of a program which should be used to interpret the contents of the file. For instance, if the first line contains "#! /bin/sh", then the con- tents of the file are executed as a shell script."

You can get away without this, but you shouldn't. All good scripts state the interpretor explicitly. Long ago there was just one (the Bourne Shell) but these days there are many interpretors -- Csh, Ksh, Bash, and others.


Comments are any text beginning with the pound (#) sign. A comment can start anywhere on a line and continue until the end of the line.

Search Path

All shell scripts should include a search path specifica- tion:
    PATH=/usr/ucb:/usr/bin:/bin; export PATH
A PATH specification is recommended -- often times a script will fail for some people because they have a different or incomplete search path.

The Bourne Shell does not export environment variables to children unless explicitly instructed to do so by using the export command.

Argument Checking

A good shell script should verify that the arguments sup- plied (if any) are correct.
    if [ $# -ne 3 ]; then
echo 1>&2 Usage: $0 19 Oct 91
exit 127
This script requires three arguments and gripes accordingly.

Exit status

All Unix utilities should return an exit status.
    # is the year out of range for me?

if [ $year -lt 1901 -o $year -gt 2099 ]; then
echo 1>&2 Year \"$year\" out of range
exit 127


# All done, exit ok

exit 0
A non-zero exit status indicates an error condition of some sort while a zero exit status indicates things worked as expected.

On BSD systems there's been an attempt to categorize some of the more common exit status codes. See /usr/include/sysexits.h.

Using exit status

Exit codes are important for those who use your code. Many constructs test on the exit status of a command.

The conditional construct is:

    if command; then
For example,
    if tty -s; then
echo Enter text end with \^D
Your code should be written with the expectation that others will use it. Making sure you return a meaningful exit status will help.

Stdin, Stdout, Stderr

Standard input, output, and error are file descriptors 0, 1, and 2. Each has a particular role and should be used accordingly:
    # is the year out of range for me?

if [ $year -lt 1901 -o $year -gt 2099 ]; then
echo 1>&2 Year \"$year\" out of my range
exit 127


# ok, you have the number of days since Jan 1, ...

case `expr $days % 7` in
echo Mon;;
echo Tue;;

Error messages should appear on stderr not on stdout! Output should appear on stdout. As for input/output dialogue:
    # give the fellow a chance to quit

if tty -s ; then
echo This will remove all files in $* since ...
echo $n Ok to procede? $c; read ans
case "$ans" in
echo File purge abandoned;
exit 0 ;;
RM="rm -rfi"
RM="rm -rf"
Note: this code behaves differently if there's a user to communicate with (ie. if the standard input is a tty rather than a pipe, or file, or etc. See tty(1)).

Language Constructs

    For loop iteration

    Substitute values for variable and perform task:

        for variable in word ...
    For example:
        for i in `cat $LOGS`
    mv $i $i.$TODAY
    cp /dev/null $i
    chmod 664 $i
    Alternatively you may see:
        for variable in word ...; do command; done
  • Case

    Switch to statements depending on pattern match

        case word in
    [ pattern [ | pattern ... ] )
    command ;; ] ...
    For example:
        case "$year" in

    years=`expr $year - 1901`
    years=`expr $year - 1901`
    echo 1>&2 Year \"$year\" out of range ...
    exit 127
  • Conditional Execution

    Test exit status of command and branch

        if command
    [ else
    command ]
    For example:
        if [ $# -ne 3 ]; then
    echo 1>&2 Usage: $0 19 Oct 91
    exit 127
    Alternatively you may see:
        if command; then command; [ else command; ] fi
  • While/Until Iteration

    Repeat task while command returns good exit status.

        {while | until} command
    For example:
        # for each argument mentioned, purge that directory

    while [ $# -ge 1 ]; do
    _purge $1
    Alternatively you may see:
        while command; do command; done
  • Variables

    Variables are sequences of letters, digits, or underscores beginning with a letter or underscore. To get the contents of a variable you must prepend the name with a $.

    Numeric variables (eg. like $1, etc.) are positional vari- ables for argument communication.

    • Variable Assignment

      Assign a value to a variable by variable=value. For example:

          PATH=/usr/ucb:/usr/bin:/bin; export PATH
          TODAY=`(set \`date\`; echo $1)`
    • Exporting Variables

      Variables are not exported to children unless explicitly marked.

          # We MUST have a DISPLAY environment variable

      if [ "$DISPLAY" = "" ]; then
      if tty -s ; then
      echo "DISPLAY (`hostname`:0.0)? \c";
      read DISPLAY
      if [ "$DISPLAY" = "" ]; then
      export DISPLAY
      Likewise, for variables like the PRINTER which you want hon- ored by lpr(1). From a user's .profile:
          PRINTER=PostScript; export PRINTER
      Note: that the Cshell exports all environment variables.

    • Referencing Variables

      Use $variable (or, if necessary, ${variable}) to reference the value.

          # Most user's have a /bin of their own

      if [ "$USER" != "root" ]; then
      The braces are required for concatenation constructs.
      The value of the variable "p_01".
      The value of the variable "p" with "_01" pasted onto the end.

    • Conditional Reference

      If the variable has been set, use it's value, else use word.
      export POSTSCRIPT

      If the variable has been set and is not null, use it's value, else use word.

      These are useful constructions for honoring the user envi- ronment. Ie. the user of the script can override variable assignments. Cf. programs like lpr(1) honor the PRINTER environment variable, you can do the same trick with your shell scripts.

      If variable is set use it's value, else print out word and exit. Useful for bailing out.

    • Arguments

      Command line arguments to shell scripts are positional vari- ables:

      $0, $1, ...
      The command and arguments. With $0 the command and the rest the arguments.
      The number of arguments.
      $*, $@
      All the arguments as a blank separated string. Watch out for "$*" vs. "$@".
      And, some commands:
      Shift the postional variables down one and decrement number of arguments.
      set arg arg ...
      Set the positional variables to the argument list.

      Command line parsing uses shift:

          # parse argument list

      while [ $# -ge 1 ]; do
      case $1 in
      process arguments...
      A use of the set command:
          # figure out what day it is

      TODAY=`(set \`date\`; echo $1)`

      cd $SPOOL

      for i in `cat $LOGS`
      mv $i $i.$TODAY
      cp /dev/null $i
      chmod 664 $i
    • Special Variables
      Current process id. This is very useful for constructing temporary files.
      trap "rm -f $tmp /tmp/cal1$$ /tmp/cal2$$"
      trap exit 1 2 13 15
      /usr/lib/calprog >$tmp

      The exit status of the last command.
      # Run target file if no errors and ...

      if [ $? -eq 0 ]

  • Quotes/Special Characters

    Special characters to terminate words:

          ; & ( ) | ^ < > new-line space tab
    These are for command sequences, background jobs, etc. To quote any of these use a backslash (\) or bracket with quote marks ("" or '').

    Single Quotes

    Within single quotes all characters are quoted -- including the backslash. The result is one word.

             grep :${gid}: /etc/group | awk -F: '{print $1}'
    Double Quotes

    Within double quotes you have variable subsitution (ie. the dollar sign is interpreted) but no file name generation (ie. * and ? are quoted). The result is one word.

             if [ ! "${parent}" ]; then
    Back Quotes

    Back quotes mean run the command and substitute the output.

             if [ "`echo -n`" = "-n" ]; then
             TODAY=`(set \`date\`; echo $1)`
  • Functions

    Functions are a powerful feature that aren't used often enough. Syntax is

        name ()
    For example:
        # Purge a directory

    # there had better be a directory

    if [ ! -d $1 ]; then
    echo $1: No such directory 1>&2

    Within a function the positional parmeters $0, $1, etc. are the arguments to the function (not the arguments to the script).

    Within a function use return instead of exit.

    Functions are good for encapsulations. You can pipe, redi- rect input, etc. to functions. For example:

        # deal with a file, add people one at a time

    while parse_one



    # take standard input (or a specified file) and do it.

    if [ "$1" != "" ]; then
    cat $1 | do_file
  • Sourcing commands

    You can execute shell scripts from within shell scripts. A couple of choices:

    sh command

    This runs the shell script as a separate shell. For example, on Sun machines in /etc/rc:

             sh /etc/rc.local
    . command

    This runs the shell script from within the current shell script. For example:

             # Read in configuration information
    . /etc/hostconfig
    What are the virtues of each? What's the difference? The second form is useful for configuration files where environment variable are set for the script. For example:
        for HOST in $HOSTS; do

    # is there a config file for this host?

    if [ -r ${BACKUPHOME}/${HOST} ]; then
    Using configuration files in this manner makes it possible to write scripts that are automatically tailored for differ- ent situations.

Some Tricks

  • Test

    The most powerful command is test(1).

        if test expression; then

    and (note the matching bracket argument)
        if [ expression ]; then

    On System V machines this is a builtin (check out the com- mand /bin/test).

    On BSD systems (like the Suns) compare the command /usr/bin/test with /usr/bin/[.

    Useful expressions are:

    test { -w, -r, -x, -s, ... } filename
    is file writeable, readable, executeable, empty, etc?
    test n1 { -eq, -ne, -gt, ... } n2
    are numbers equal, not equal, greater than, etc.?
    test s1 { =, != } s2
    Are strings the same or different?
    test cond1 { -o, -a } cond2
    Binary or; binary and; use ! for unary negation.

    For example

        if [ $year -lt 1901  -o  $year -gt 2099 ]; then
    echo 1>&2 Year \"$year\" out of range
    exit 127
    Learn this command inside out! It does a lot for you.

  • String matching

    The test command provides limited string matching tests. A more powerful trick is to match strings with the case switch.

        # parse argument list

    while [ $# -ge 1 ]; do
    case $1 in
    -c*) rate=`echo $1 | cut -c3-`;;
    -c) shift; rate=$1 ;;
    -p*) prefix=`echo $1 | cut -c3-`;;
    -p) shift; prefix=$1 ;;
    -*) echo $Usage; exit 1 ;;
    *) disks=$*; break ;;


    Of course getopt would work much better.

  • SysV vs BSD echo

    On BSD systems to get a prompt you'd say:

        echo -n Ok to procede?;  read ans
    On SysV systems you'd say:
        echo Ok to procede? \c; read ans
    In an effort to produce portable code we've been using:
        # figure out what kind of echo to use

    if [ "`echo -n`" = "-n" ]; then
    n=""; c="\c"
    n="-n"; c=""


    echo $n Ok to procede? $c; read ans
  • Is there a person?

    The Unix tradition is that programs should execute as qui- etly as possible. Especially for pipelines, cron jobs, etc.

    User prompts aren't required if there's no user.

        # If there's a person out there, prod him a bit.

    if tty -s; then
    echo Enter text end with \^D
    The tradition also extends to output.
        # If the output is to a terminal, be verbose

    if tty -s <&1; then verbose=true else verbose=false fi
    Beware: just because stdin is a tty that doesn't mean that stdout is too. User prompts should be directed to the user terminal.
        # If there's a person out there, prod him a bit.

    if tty -s; then
    echo Enter text end with \^D >&0
    Have you ever had a program stop waiting for keyboard input when the output is directed elsewhere?

  • Creating Input

    We're familiar with redirecting input. For example:

        # take standard input (or a specified file) and do it.

    if [ "$1" != "" ]; then
    cat $1 | do_file
    alternatively, redirection from a file:
        # take standard input (or a specified file) and do it.

    if [ "$1" != "" ]; then
    do_file < $1 else do_file fi
    You can also construct files on the fly.
        rmail bsmtp <<$>
    rcpt to:
    from: <$>
    Subject: Signon $2

    subscribe $2 Usenet Feeder at UWO
    Note: that variables are expanded in the input.

  • String Manipulations

    One of the more common things you'll need to do is parse strings. Some tricks

        TIME=`date | cut -c12-19`

    TIME=`date | sed 's/.* .* .* \(.*\) .* .*/\1/'`

    TIME=`date | awk '{print $4}'`

    TIME=`set \`date\`; echo $4`

    TIME=`date | (read u v w x y z; echo $x)`
    With some care, redefining the input field separators can help.
    # convert IP number to name

    { set `IFS=".";echo $1`
    echo $4.$3.$2.$

    if [ $# -ne 1 ]; then
    echo 1>&2 Usage: bynum IP-address
    exit 127

    add=`name $1`

    nslookup < < type="any">
  • Debugging

    The shell has a number of flags that make debugging easier:

    sh -n command

    Read the shell script but don't execute the commands. IE. check syntax.

    sh -x command

    Display commands and arguments as they're executed. In a lot of my shell scripts you'll see

        # Uncomment the next line for testing
    # set -x
Based on An Introduction to Shell Programing by:
Reg Quinton
Computing and Communications Services
The University of Western Ontario
London, Ontario N6A 5B7

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